Nutrition coaching in Washington Township

Achieve a Life-Changing Transformation with board certified health and wellness coaching

picture this: easy-to-follow health and nutrition coaching that brings you real results and the accountability you crave. No complicated steps or restrictive food choices here. You get a personalized wellness coaching program designed to move you toward your goals.

Ready for a life-changing transformation?

Board-certified health and wellness coaching at Standard F.I.T. is all about working smarter, not harder. No need to feel overwhelmed – we're here to simplify your journey to a healthier life.

And guess what? Your first step is a FREE goal-setting session!  Book now and let's kickstart your transformation.

Nutrition coaching in Washington Township

Our approach is simple yet effective. With a tailored, whole-body health strategy, we create a customized plan that aligns with your goals. Whether you want to get stronger, conquer mountains, or just feel better every day, we've got your back.

Our goal?

To guide you to your dream version of yourself in a sustainable, realistic way. We're not about quick fixes – we want to equip you with the skills, habits, tools, and knowledge to enjoy this new lifestyle for the long haul.

Whether you're in Sonora, CA, or joining us virtually, Standard F.I.T. is your partner in elevating your journey to your most adventurous life ever.

Wondering if Standard F.I.T. Nutrition is right for you?

If You:

  • A nutrition plan that's 100% customized for you

  • Strategies for how to shop, cook, and eat healthy

  • consistent support, accountability, and

  • Faster, better results from your workout routine

Standard F.I.T. Nutrition is perfect for you!

Ready to achieve your goals faster with health and wellness coaching?

Let's work smart together. After setting your goals, you will receive a personalized plan with action steps you can start immediately. You'll learn how to fuel your body, build habits for whole-body health, and develop skills to sustain your hard-earned efforts.

Join us in Sonora, CA, and energize your body with California's ultimate nutritional resource!


Standard FIT is the top group fitness facility in Sonora

It's time to choose to live fiercely, intentionally, and adventurously. Declare your inner strength, resilience, and take the step toward a life well lived.

Ready to unleash the fierce in you? Click below and let the adventure begin!

  • 19060 Standard Road #5, Sonora, CA 95370

  • leann@standard-fit.com

© 2025 Standard F.I.T.



© 2025 Standard F.I.T.